Wednesday, September 5, 2012


The basics of WTA karate consist of 15 techniques:

1. Middle Target Punch
2. Upper Target Punch
3. Rising Arm Block
4. Double Arm Block
5. Single Arm Block
6. Front Stretch
7. Front Kick
8. Side Stretch
9. Side Kick
10. Knife Hand Block
11. Knife Hand Attack
12. Roundhouse Kick
13. Combination Front Kick, Side Kick
14. Reverse Punch
15. Six Step (Knife Block, Upper Target Punch, Side Kick, Roundhouse, Roundhouse, Upper Target Punch)

These are usually performed right after a series of warm-up exercises including a 5 minute run followed by some limited static stretching. Each of the techniques are done by stepping into the appropriate stance, doing the technique, then repeating these two for a total of nine iterations up to and including the roundhouse kick. The front kick/side kick combination is done with three iterations in each direction. The reverse punch is done 6 times in one direction followed by 5 in the opposite direction. Changing directions requires a loud kyup such as "Utz!" Six step is done once with count and once without count. There is a kyup with the last punch.

This is the manner in which a typical indoor practice session is run. Outdoor sessions often times have many more itterations of each technique (25 or more per direction) and the warm up run can be up to 1 mile, followed by tree kicking for about 1/2 an hour.

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